Thursday, 14 February 2008

Valentine's Eve

L-O-V-E is in the air~ Calling all Guys out there! Have you all confirmed your reservation for d restaurant yet? Or at least plan something really romantic? If not be ready to be clawed by our girlfriend! just kidding... What would everyone be doing on the eve of Valentine.. I can imagine a lot of money hungry people.. setting up small booths near the bus stop and every traffic light there is in KCH selling (quite expired) roses just to take full advantage of this occasion where people believe the more money you spend = the more love your showing. But its totally different in Leeds, you don't see people selling roses in the street (wouldn't be surprise its because of the weather.. i mean who would want to freeze to death!?) But surprisingly the clubbing scene in Leeds was quite happening on Val's Eve (eventho it wasn't the weekend).. looks like they are lots of single people who just want to get wasted, get over with Valentine's, waking up the in morning in the wrong bed with the wrong people. Maybe thats how the Brits shows their love; more shagging = more love? Tho I may be single this year, it was all about my friends! Got myself ready for a Valentine Party organized by Oriental Quintuplets (all Asian society) at TownHouse.

The first thing I felt when I step into the room was... "Wow" with a excited tone and ending with a urghh tone... first I felt O-L-D, it felt like I went for a High School prom Nite but as the chaperon. I mean I'm only 23, shouldn't feel like I'm too old to party!

To be honest the party sux-ed! the crowd was typical.. standing around do nothing (kids tsk tsk).. I mean there is a dance floor ready but everyone was just standing around it.. how pathetic.. never mind it was forgivable maybe everyone is not drunk enough to dance but when everyone was getting into the mood, the music sux-ed! Comeon.. who plays some RnB then moved to really slow romantic "jiwang" song and the next thing you know you have to change your dance move to Red Hot Chili Peppers?! F%$@ got ripped of GBP4! Thank goodness I didn't spend GBP8 instead (got special price :P) Overall rating of the party - 2/10

With my Mates Mr.V (looks like Elvis), Mr.G and Mr.L

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